Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Testing Your Functional Fixedness #2

The next test of functional fixedness involves two ropes a chair and a paint can.
The ropes are longer than arms length apart and so you can not grab one end and tie it to the other. It is possible to tie the two ends together, and that is your challenge. How do you do it?

Picture from Cengage

The video from Prof Ross' youtube page will show you:

1 comment:

  1. This is great! It reminds me of something I read years ago. Two groups were given the same items and told to complete a task. I think the items were a candle, matches in a matchbook, and a nail. They were supposed to devise a way to hang the candle from a wall rather than setting it on a table. The team that was given the matches next to (but not inside of) the matchbook decided to place the candle inside the box and use the nail to attach it to the wall. The group with the matches inside of the box saw these things as one item, with only one purpose, and didn't think of using the box separately to help find a solution to the problem.
    Definitely thinking outside the box!
